Adi Natan
Dr Natan leads the Non-Periodic ultrafast X-ray Imaging group at the Stanford PULSE Institute, where the research focuses on imaging ultrafast atomic motion in systems that interact with complex fields and environments, mostly using ultrafast X-ray FEL pulses. The purpose of this research is to study light-matter interaction in the shortest length and timescales, to uncover the interplay between correlated electronic motion and relaxation, nuclear motion, and photo-absorption processes. The research team develops experimental and computational tools to image quantum dynamics at the atomic scale, with the aim to overcome the limits of current approaches that rely on modeling and simulation. The research also leverages recent advances in ultrafast x-ray lasers, like the LCLS at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and helps develop effective protocols, new modalities, detection schemes, and demonstrates important new capabilities as soon as they become feasible. Previously, Dr Natan was the co-PI of the Strong Field AMO physics task at PULSE, where he studied strong-field light-matter interaction in atoms and molecules, in particular, light-induced conical intersections, imaging strong-field ionization dynamics, and attosecond electronic delays.
Dr Natan received his PhD in Physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he worked with Prof. Yaron Silberberg on coherent control, strong field interaction, nonlinear spectroscopy, and quantum optics. He was later a postdoctoral fellow at PULSE under the supervision of Prof. Phil Bucksbaum working on strong field AMO physics, and ultrafast X-ray science.